I can’t believe Luna is already 1.5 years old! It’s so cliché but so true: the days are long but the years are short. My husband and I truly feel like we hit the lottery. She has been the best, sweetest, funniest, smartest, most determined little girl. We love her so much. I could go on bragging about her forever but instead I will contain myself and give a quick update on what she is into these days!
Luna is officially 18 months now and her big personality is shining through. She typically sleeps 7:30pm-7:00am and takes one nap a day from 12:30-2:15/2:30ish She is talking up a storm. She loves saying ‘hi’ and ‘bye’ to everyone she meets. She is constantly soaking up new words and surprising us with what she is able to say. If she isn’t speaking actual words she is babbling NON-STOP. She is quite the talker….definitely got that from her papa (Just FYI, Mars goes by Papa not Dada). Another favorite of hers: shoes. She wakes up thinking about shoes and goes to bed dreaming about them. She changes her shoes about 1 million times a day and loves to point out everyone’s “Shoe Shoes.” Again, I think she got this from her Papa lol
She is constantly on the move, running everywhere and into everything. She loves to plop down in the dirt and cover herself and anyone else who may be near. She is a little tom boy (who loves shoes) and I love it. And it’s a good thing she loves getting dirty because she is becoming more and more obsessed with horses (myself and her Nona (she is a horse trainer) may or may not have had some influence on this…) And let me be clear, she is obsessed with HORSES, not ponies. She looks at a pony and is very unimpressed, but bring in Auntie Lindsey’s big horse Ina, and she is totally in love. My mom got her, her first pairs of breeches and they are just too cute. Now she just needs some paddock boots and a helmet and she is ready for her first pony (or horse haha) and that will definitely be happening soon. Now this, takes after her mama 🙂
I could go on and on but to put it simply: she is the BEST. Every day is so much better with her in our lives… tantrums and all 🙂
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