Halloween 2018!

November 1, 2018

I’ve never really been that into Halloween, but since having Luna it’s definitely been fun to partake in all the activities again. I will say, we really half-assed our costumes this year….whoops. But at least Luna looked adorable! I found her ‘winter unicorn’ costume at TJ Maxx. I figured she likes unicorns, and it was semi-warm (I picked up some tights for her to wear with it) so I was sold.I took her to Mars’ work in the late afternoon. They have trick or treating for everyone’s kids and just general partying 🙂 Mars wanted to dress up with her so he borrowed this unicorn onesie from a friend haha They looked pretty adorable walking around together and Luna had a blast running around saying ‘hi’ to everyone.Later when we got home I popped the shepherds pie in the oven I had made earlier in the day for a delicious dinner before taking Luna out to trick-or-treat at a couple houses in our neighborhood. Luna loved walking from house to house but unfortunately not many of our neighbors were actually handing out candy (grinches?) but the few that did were so sweet with Luna. The first house she tried to take the whole bowl and the third house she let herself right inside their house. Lluckily they are our neighbors so we know them haha. Overall I would say it was a successful first trick-or-treating experience and we already have next years costumes figured out!

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