As you can tell by the title of the post, we found out we are expecting a baby girl! I am so incredibly excited. Obviously my husband and I were just hoping for a healthy baby (which she is!!) but we (mostly me) really, really wanted a girl. We have had a girls name picked out literally before we were married, engaged ect. Pretty much her name has been set for 3 years now and I couldn’t be more excited that we finally get to put it to use! However, we are keeping her name between us (and a couple close friends) until she is born. Gotta have a little bit of a surprise left 😉
We just found out yesterday at our 20 week anatomy scan and I have already spent way too much money buying girl specific baby items now…oops 😉 The first thing I bought was this ride-on unicorn from Land of Nod. It goes with the theme of the nursery I have had planned sine the day I found out we were expecting. I’ll do a post soon on the nursery inspiration. I have already made a couple large clothing haul purchases a well. I mean, baby girl clothes are just TOO CUTE! Some of my favorite shops to scour online have been Old Navy and Zara. I’m not into super froo-froo girl stuff (tutus, sparkles, ect.) and Old Navy and Zara have baby girl clothes that are just the right amount of girly, without being over the top plus they are cheap. I’ll do a round-up post soon of some of my favorite clothing items I’ve purchased so far.
I can’t believe we are already half way to meeting our baby girl and knowing the gender has made everything feel so much more real. I’m so excited and hoping these next few months will fly by 🙂
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