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Simply Delicious Fudge

December 21, 2018

Growing up there were a few things I remember loving about the holidays, and my mom’s chocolate fudge is one of them! Every year around Christmas time she makes this fudge that everyone loves and the best thing about it is it is SO simple and easy to make. Continue Reading…

Holiday Home Tour 2018

December 20, 2018

This is our very first Christmas in our new home. One of the first things I thought about when we looked at this house was were I was going to put the Christmas tree. And now the time is here and I am so excited! Decorating this season was more fun tha I could of imagined. Continue Reading…

Picking a Pine Tree

December 5, 2018

Last weekend we headed out to a local Christmas Tree farm and chopped down our tree! We have always got a real tree and living in the PNW it almost seems silly not to. After wandering through the field of trees for about half hour we found the perfect tree for us 🙂 Continue Reading…