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Playhouse Makeover

March 6, 2020

Last summer our neighbors gave us their daughters old playhouse that she had outgrown. Luna was pumped and I was like…eh? We had just started our backyard renovation but no where in the plans did we have a space for a playhouse. Continue Reading…

DIY Playdough

February 3, 2020

I have talked about making homemade playdough for Luna since before she was born. She will be three next month so I figured it was time to follow through. I found this recipe and looked at a few others and realized they are all generally the same I just made some minor adjustments. It was super easy and actually pretty fun. Continue Reading…

DIY Coat Rack

February 20, 2019

This project was long overdue but we finally got to it and it’s exactly what we wanted! We were in desperate need of somewhere to hang our coats before putting them away in the hall closet. We live in Portland, so with that comes some rainy weather = wet coats. Continue Reading…